80s Discussion Forum

Help find 80's Band and name the song (July 7, 2004 9:31 PM)
Posted by: Gina H

I have a question about a song that I do believe is a One Hit Wonder because I have never heard of another song from them.
It came out in either '87''88''89'.
I think the name of the Band was Sapphire and a girl was singing it. I have not heard this song since it came out and I remember only parts of the lyrics:

"I'm thinking of you/Though Your so Far away"

Then at the end of the song the music starts to fade as she sings "So far away"

If any of this sparks a memory with you or if you know the song but don't think it's Sapphire or the other way around. PLEASE let me know. I have searched everywhere on the net but none of it seems familiar.
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