80s Discussion Forum

Re: Looking for 80's movie (December 4, 2005 11:37 PM)
Posted by: Jim Huber

Oh man, I DO remember it, too. But I am not sure of what it was... It wasn't "Water Babies", was it?

>My sister & I are trying to figure out the
>name of a movie we watched as kids in the
>early-mid eighties. Here's what we can remember:
>it started out live-action and then switched to
>cartoon - most of it was in cartoon. It was
>almost certainly a tv-broadcast and we don't
>think it was ever in theaters. It involved a
>child (she says girl, I say boy, possibly both?)
>falling into a pond or lake, at which point
>he/she/they entered the enchanted cartoon world
>with characters including a walrus and a lobster.
> I can remember an ice cave. Near the end, after
>it was live-action again, I seem to remember the
>boy saving a lobster from becoming dinner.
>Anyone remember it?
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